I know, I know! There's hardly enough time to finish a cup of coffee, and planning a date with your BFF's seems like an impossible task. This is especially true for working moms. By the time you get home at night and caught up with the kids, your husband and cooking, you'd much rather prefer spending any free time you get thereafter, doing absolutely nothing at all! and that's okay, but time spent away from hubby and the kids might actually be just the boost you need to get back onto the domestic bandwagon, feeling more refreshed and a much happier you!
It's vital that we make time to connect with our girlfriends, even in...no, especially in the midst of our chaotic lifestyle as Supermoms. Besides, only girlfriends really understands our nagging concerns about looking and feeling good and only girlfriends truly understand and share our reasoning behind why it's just SO important to get a wardrobe make-over, as in yesterday! Also, it's been said that spending time with your girlfriends, improves your physical and emotional well being. So many times we are left angered and shattered because our better-halves simply don't "get us",when truth be told, they will never really get us the way our girlfriends do. For, 1 - they are not women and 2 - men really are from Mars!
With that cleared up, I hope you are ready to have some serious fun hanging out with your besties. If simply going for a coffee at a bookstore every now and then is more your thing, by all means, go for it. I love a cosy catch-up session at a tiny coffee shop or restaurant, but while preparing this post for all you fabulous moms, I realised just how much more there is to enjoy together as girlfriends. Now all you have to do, is convince hubby or grandma to see to the kids for just a couple of hours while you go out and recharge.
Here's just a few GNO (or girls day out) ideas every fab mom and her girlfriends should try:
1. Active mom
Charity runs happens throughout the year and it's just so much fun! with the added bonus of getting fit and helping others in need. Enter yourself and a group of girls into one of these and put on some silly costume (if permitted). Whether running or walking, prepare yourselves for some serious laughter. If you hate running as much as I do, try cycling, hiking or helping out at a shelter.
2.Creative mom
For the more creative group, there's just so much to do! Join a mosaic class and create fabulous artwork for each other and your homes. If working with glue is not for you, maybe paint is. Join an art class together. If paint doesn't tickle your fancy, try clay and sighn up for pottery. for the bookworms there's literary festivals and literary group meetings. Enjoy exploring your creative skills!
3.Shopaholic mom
4. Fine dining mom
We are so lucky to live in the most beautiful city and country in the world. There seriously are so much to do, to put them all down here will be impossible. Find what works for you and your girls and have fun!
FabMom Tip: Make sure you meet up with the girls at least once every season. If you can more often, great! But always keep the contact.
Girl Power!!
FabMom xoxo