Spread your wings and prepare to fly...because you can be a mom and fashionable too!
‘Ola fellow fashion-loving bloggers, blog readers and fabulous moms! Even if, or especially if, you’re not so much into the crazy, unorthodox trends filling our streets lately (like myself) - this blog is just the antidote you may need to recovery from the 'dull syndrome' we all,at one point or another, fall victim to. And it is here that you will be weaned from out of your cocoon and evolve into the beautiful, radiant butterfly you once were and were meant to become! Just because you are a mother now, does not mean you can no longer have fun with your wardrobe. I know your priorities has shifted, mine has too, I'm now a mom of not one not two but three kids and sure I would move a mountain for them any day of the week, but that does not mean I have to forget about all about myself. We are women first and a happy woman is a happy wife is a happy mom. So let's throw caution to the wind and forget about playing it safe (in fashion that is!), take out that dumb old t-shirt from the back of your closet and give it a new shine by pairing it with a few of your gorgeous new items, accessories and personality. A very wise woman once said " I don't know how a women can leave the house without fixing herself up a little. If only out of politeness. And then, you never know, maybe that's the day she has a date with destiny. And its best to be as pretty as possible for destiny." - Coco Chanel
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