Monday, February 10, 2014

Great boobs! Just a bra size away.

Many years ago I worked in an exclusive lingerie boutique. The money wasn't great, the hours were horrible and before you even ask, no, we did not get the stuff for free and certainly did not walk around with matching bra's and panties. But I loved working there for one reason, and it was that every single day, I was given the opportunity to help women feel more confident about their bodies and more specifically, their boobs. Women would walk in there completely lost and leave feeling as though the world had suddenly become a better place. Men would walk in there and not even know what a "push-up" was and they'd return a few days later thanking us for helping them make their women feel so special. I literally felt like the wizard of Oz! It was the best feeling knowing, while locking up at 9 at night, that we've made a few people really happy that day.

I realised then, and even more so now that I'm a mother, just how many women are walking around with the wrong bra size, not knowing that they are and as a result are feeling uncomfortable with their bodies and the people around them.Whether we like it or not, our boobs are part of what makes us this special specie - a woman. And we need to treat "them" with care. Almost like we would the hair on our head. You wouldn't just get any products for your hair, don't get just any old bra to support your breasts either. 

So with the experience gained and now also being a mom and able to place myself in the same position as my clients back then, I'm hoping to once again make a few of my female readers very happy today.

Here are the facts no one bothers to tell us women:

- Statistically, a whopping 70% of women wear the incorrect bra size. Remember, your dress size does NOT determine your bra size.

- It's important to get yourself professionally measured at any lingerie store. That's the first step to better looking boobs. It's FREE and PAINLESS!

- Remember, a woman's body changes constantly, at least 6 times in a lifetime! Measurements should be done frequently.

- A woman should ideally be measured WITHOUT her bra on. This makes the measurements and bra size more accurate.

- The bra's band should be comfortable under your shoulder blades. If it rides up, the band is too big. 

- If your breasts spill out of the bra either on top, from the bottom or the sides, the cup size is too small.

- ALWAYS make sure your bra straps are adjusted properly. pressure on the shoulders and under the arms are an indication that your straps needs adjusting.

- Once the bra is on, lift both your arms in the air, bring them down and move your arms from side to side. Does the bra feel uncomfortable even after you've adjusted it properly? GET RID OF THE BRA!!

-Tip: Always make sure the newly purchased bra is on its most comfortable when tied on the widest band. With time, as it gets worn and washed, your bra will stretch. This enables your bra to last longer as you can then just adjust the band tighter every time!

- Speaking about washing your bra. HAND WASH ONLY!!! this prevents the under wire from bending and poking through the fabric (OUCH!) and it also ensures your bra looks and feels new for longer. Admit it, these things are pricey!!!


- For the bigger bust - good news!!! Playtex’s D to G collection can be found in almost any department store (Edgars, Foschini etc), Woolies' Distraction range goes up to 44E and Milady's has sizes up to 46E. Amazing,right!

Hope these little facts helped you FabMoms, even if, just a little!
For any further questions, I'll be at your disposal ;-) 

Goodluck perking up!
FabMom xx

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