Monday, February 3, 2014

My tribute to Mandela - Remarkable father of our nation!

This morning, for the first time since his death, I really felt emotion and started to cry. I am the type of person who connects emotions to experience. This morning when I turned on the TV and heard late president Nelson Mandela's long time friend, George Bizos, speak about what a truly incredible man, friend and confidant Mandela was, emotion and experience finally collided inside me. I thought to myself WOW, where have I been all this time. Here was one of the best, not only politicians or leaders, but man, living right under my nose and I never took the time to really get to know his struggle, apart from the little they taught at school.

Like everyone my age, I was lucky to grow up in a free South Africa. By the time I realised what was going on around me, Apartheid was already banished. And as it is, until you have experienced something for yourself, you'll never understand nor appreciate the sweetness of its rewards. 

I do not like speaking politics, I just don't understand enough of it, but I believe this post Is so relevant. So many young mothers like myself don't understand the struggle our parents and our parents' parents had to go through to give us the "convenient" life we are afforded today. It makes my respect and love for them so much greater. There is a reason we can get up every morning and take our kids to school, go to work or have a lavish breakfast with our friends and not have to look over our shoulders every time, and that reason is Nelson Mandela. 

Thank you Tata for all you have done, including creating such a beautiful country! May your legacy live on in the hearts of our children and the generations to follow.

xoxo Fashion Butterfly

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