Tuesday, March 18, 2014

We've moved house!

Hey all you fabulous moms! Thank you very much for visiting my site. If it is fabulous you are looking for, you've come to the right place. Well, actually, I have to redirect you to my current and new site as I have recently 'moved house'. The new site (thanks to my very talented husband) happens to be much more accommodating and therefore allowing me more freedom to bring you the absolute best of life as a Fabmom.

Come and have a look at the new place! It's pretty cool! ;-)

visit www.fabmom.co.za

Fabulously yours
Carmen Marks xx

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Eat your way to a longer life!

Ah! The good old days. Remember them? No, I don't mean before the kids came along, and bond payments and school fees and credit cards, blah...I mean back when your body had the perfect size curves, you looked great in almost everything you threw on them and even YOU thought wow when you looked into the mirror. No matter what you ate or how much of it, no one noticed. Lots of things change as we get older and wiser, but the most depressing has got to be the increase in numbers on the bathroom scale. Kudos if you reached 30 and didn't gain a thing.

However, what if I told you, you CAN get back the weight of your youth and that you CAN look and feel fabulous again. Even as a mom in her 30's and beyond.  Having a good-looking body is not a destination, but a way of life.

Our nutritional adviser, Fallon Finlaysson, shows us exactly why having a well-balanced diet (No wait, let me rephrase), a well-balanced eating plan rather, is the very thing that will help you reach your dream weight, help you to feel good about yourself again and live a longer, happier, healthier life. If for no one and nothing else, do it for your kids. They need us to be around for a long time still.

Fallon shares the facts on how this is possible, while also motivating you throughout the program. Stop binge dieting and make this program part of your daily routine for sustainable results!

Fact 1.
Weight loss is all about energy.
Energy in Vs. Energy out.
- Consume fewer calories than you burn, after which, your body uses energy stored in fat. That ladies is when you lose weight.

Fibre is your best friend.
It's nutrient dense and low in calories. Therefor you feel fuller for longer without the added calories.

If you cheat, it's not the end of the world. Start fresh tomorrow, but never give up!

Fact 2.
The amount of calories you need to consume per day is 1500 - 2000.
For WEIGHT LOSS, aim for 1400 - 1700 per day.

Rather than getting onto that wretched scale, we all hate so much, get a tape measure and instead measure your upper arms, waist, hips, upper thighs and butt. If you're losing centimeters, those curves are returning! Measure yourself at least once a week. Get onto the scale at least once a month.

Tip 2.
Calories are sneaky!!! Familiarize yourself with those hidden calories even if it means reading the back of every food container and packaging. Example:
1 glass of red wine = 160 calories
latte = 300 calories
cream based salad dressing
shop packaged fruit juice
'health' snack bars
Energy drinks like Powerade, energade etc.

Don't be so easily fooled.

Fact 3.
Your Metabolism slows down as you get older, especially once you reach 40. Fewer calorie consumption can prevent weight gain.

Dress to impress! This will boost your confidence, make you feel good about yourself and this, in turn, will spark your determination to reach your goals.

Tip 3.
Say NO to "White" foods! Otherwise known as carbs -  white bread, sugar, pasta, flour and potatoes. Make these Enemy nr1 and your slimmer curves will return sooner than you expected.

Fact 4. Break the fast!
Never skip breakfast! You need to 'break the fast' and boost your metabolism within 2 hrs of waking in the morning!

Tip 4.
How to make a tasty and super low calorie vinigrette
-half a cup of apple cider vinigar
1 cup olive oil
quarter cup honey
3 cloves garlic
half a chilli
half an onion
salt & pepper
Blend together and voila! Delicious.

Tip 5.
Water Water Water! 1.5l - 2l water a day keeps the kilos away!

Healthy eating together with an active lifestyle will ensure the extra kilos falls and stays away!

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Season Must-have: Tartan

Welcome to March and my birthday Month!! The closer I get to my 30th birthday, the more I find myself reflecting back on my childhood. It wasn't all rosy (no one's was exactly perfect, I get that now) but it was, with all it's highs and lows, the best. I often reminisce about growing up in the 90's, skipping school and lying about being sick, when actually we were going too see Titanic at the cinema for the first time! ha! yeah, some of the best movies were made in the 90's, I met my best friend in the 90's, the music was good, and the fashion...ooh, the fashion was awesome! In fact my first encounter with fashion was back in the 90's, I just didn't know it back then. Over the years, designers have brought back many 90's inspired fashion, but this season has seen the return of my personal fave and definitely a season must-have, the Tartan print! I'm proud to say I owned a tartan dress when I was about 6, it was red, had white puffy collar and sleeves and I wore it wherever and whenever possible! Did I have other items of clothing besides my tartan dress? Maybe not. But I do intend making tartan my "wherever, whenever" fashion item this season. Before we get ahead of ourselves, I'm only turning 30 next year, but I intend on making the last remaining year of my 20's a rocking one indeed!!!

Here's how I will be rocking the trend this season:

Nothing says "Hello Autumn" like a cute skirt! Match your Tartan printed pencil, mini or midi skirt with a beautiful cami for the last of warm days or a denim shirt to keep the cool autumn breeze at bay. Tartan is actually quite an easy print and looks great with almost anything! Have fun exploring!

...so easy, it even looks fabulous with leopard print!

And what doesn't go with leather! Pair your tartan with leather for an instant glammed-up look.

Accessorize well!

 Don't be afraid to live! Wear tartan on tartan and don't be surprised by all the compliments you get.

Even just slung around the waist, you could not go wrong with tartan, unless you tried really hard.

Looking back, it's easy to see why my tartan dress was such a big favourite of mine.

Yours in fashion

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

4 Great ideas to get you fab moms ready for your next girls night out!

I know, I know! There's hardly enough time to finish a cup of coffee, and planning a date with your BFF's seems like an impossible task. This is especially true for working moms. By the time you get home at night and caught up with the kids,  your husband and cooking, you'd much rather prefer spending any free time you get thereafter, doing absolutely nothing at all!  and that's okay, but time spent away from hubby and the kids might actually be just the boost you need to get back onto the domestic bandwagon, feeling more refreshed and a much happier you!

It's vital that we make time to connect with our girlfriends, even in...no, especially in the midst of our chaotic lifestyle as Supermoms. Besides, only girlfriends really understands our nagging concerns about looking and feeling good and only girlfriends truly understand and share our reasoning behind why it's just SO important to get a wardrobe make-over, as in yesterday! Also, it's been said that spending time with your girlfriends, improves your physical and emotional well being. So many times we are left angered and shattered because our better-halves simply don't "get us",when truth be told, they will never really get us the way our girlfriends do. For, 1 - they are not women and 2 - men really are from Mars!

With that cleared up, I hope you are ready to have some serious fun hanging out with your besties. If simply going for a coffee at a bookstore every now and then is more your thing, by all means, go for it. I love a cosy catch-up session at a tiny coffee shop or restaurant, but while preparing this post for all you fabulous moms, I realised just how much more there is to enjoy together as girlfriends. Now all you have to do, is convince hubby or grandma to see to the kids for just a couple of hours while you go out and recharge.

Here's just a few GNO (or girls day out) ideas every fab mom and her girlfriends should try:

1. Active mom

Charity runs happens throughout the year and it's just so much fun! with the added bonus of getting fit and helping others in need. Enter yourself and a group of girls into one of these and put on some silly costume (if permitted). Whether running or walking, prepare yourselves for some serious laughter. If you hate running as much as I do, try cycling, hiking or helping out at a shelter.

2.Creative mom

For the more creative group, there's just so much to do! Join a mosaic class and create fabulous artwork for each other and your homes. If working with glue is not for you, maybe paint is. Join an art class together. If paint doesn't tickle your fancy, try clay and sighn up for pottery. for the bookworms there's literary festivals and literary group meetings. Enjoy exploring your creative skills!

3.Shopaholic mom

Here's a GORGEOUS way to get the girls together, dress up and do what you do best. Shop! Find out whether there are new boutiques opening in your area or which fashion stores have red carpet events coming up, and attend. If you are not there to spend money, just browse. Living the fab life (on a budget)...shhhh, no one needs to know!

4. Fine dining mom

High tea to me, is so....sex and the city! It's one of the few occasions you get to dress up glamorously in the middle of the day, to have tea, with friends. What better way to catch up on some long overdue gossip and eat cake till it comes out your ears. If on the other hand, high tea is not for you, then surely drinks at Camps Bay or wine tasting in Stellies are.

We are so lucky to live in the most beautiful city and country in the world. There seriously are so much to do, to put them all down here will be impossible. Find what works for you and your girls and have fun!

FabMom Tip: Make sure you meet up with the girls at least once every season. If you can more often, great! But always keep the contact.

Girl Power!!
FabMom xoxo

Thursday, February 13, 2014

The timeless Audrey Hepburn look in less than 30 minutes!

FabMoms, can you believe Valentine's Day is just a few hours away! Why am I so excited you may ask, it is after all just another day and besides, celebrating V-day just means spending more money we just don't have, right. Not if I can help it! I've been sitting here, wondering just how I am going to make myself look absolutely fabulous tomorrow and spend the least amount of time and money doing so. I know that as mothers, we don't have that much time at our disposal and even less time to spend on ourselves. So I went and found a look, absolutely gorgeous, costs very little to no money at all and will take you less than 30 minutes to do.

I don't know about you, but I love the classic look. It's both timeless and elegant and with my help, wont need a make-up artist or hairstylist. You can do it all by yourself and fool everyone by thinking you've just spent the day shopping and being pampered ;-)

Remember,we're moms, but we're women first. And a happy woman is a happy wife is a happy mom!

Happy Valentine's Day FabMoms!!! xx

Get the Audrey Hepburn look in less than 30 minutes: 

Smokey Eyes (5 minutes)

See, it does not have to be difficult and time consuming at all! Next...

The perfect Red lips (5 minutes)

Guaranteed to be a show stopper no matter where you plan on going!

The Audrey hairdo! (10 minutes)

                                                                                       Works on:
· Medium to long hair
· Blow-dried straight hair that has some volume

Stuff to have handy:
· Sectioning clip (see photo)
· Lots of bobby pins
· Hairspray
· Shine spray
How to:
Step 1
Split hair in half, creating a top and a bottom section.
Step 2
Clip the top section out of the way.
Step 3
In a messy, rough way, create a mini-French twist using the bottom section (see inset photo No.2) and pin with bobby pins. Don't worry about what this looks like; it will be covered eventually.
Step 4
Once the bottom is secured, release the top section and create a side part.
Step 5
Tease the crown area of your head to add volume. Spray hairspray underneath that teased area for hold.
Step 6
Gather the top section as if you're going to make a ponytail, but don't. Instead, tuck and roll the section inward into a French twist.
Step 7
Using several large bobby pins, slide them along the inside seams of the twist to secure. Using smaller bobby pins, secure the outside of the French twist seam by tucking them into the hair.
Step 8
Smooth out the front if it looks messy then do a spritz of shine spray followed by hairspray. 

The Vintage Vamp Hairdo! ( 10 minutes)

Works on:
· Medium to long hair
· Unwashed hair
Stuff to have handy:
· Bobby pins (large and small)
· Hair elastic
· Hairspray
· Shine spray
· Large-barrel curling iron
· Fine-tooth comb
How to:
Step 1
Using a large-barrel iron, curl the bang section of your hair forward.
Step 2
Clip the section into place (see inset photo No.1). We'll revisit it later.
Step 3
Pull the rest of the hair into a tight, low, side ponytail. Make sure that it's bump-free.
Step 4
Using the curling iron, curl the whole side ponytail in an upward angle.
Step 5
Once the ponytail is curled up, spray it well with hairspray, then roll it up toward your scalp and secure it with 
bobby pins. You'll need lots of bobby pins, large and small, to be sure that the roll stays in place.
Step 6
Once the roll is secured, take the clip out of the front bang area, allowing the big curl to fall.
Step 7
Using a fine-tooth comb, smooth the front section over to the side the roll is on (see inset photo No.2). After combing it a couple of times, it will turn into a nice retro wave. Once that happens, spray with hairspray, then bobby-pin the ends to the roll.
Step 8
Finally, spray all over with hairspray and 
give it a minute to dry.

For more of these quick and easy and beautiful hairstyles visit Totalbeauty.com

Yours in fashion
FabMom xx

Monday, February 10, 2014

Great boobs! Just a bra size away.

Many years ago I worked in an exclusive lingerie boutique. The money wasn't great, the hours were horrible and before you even ask, no, we did not get the stuff for free and certainly did not walk around with matching bra's and panties. But I loved working there for one reason, and it was that every single day, I was given the opportunity to help women feel more confident about their bodies and more specifically, their boobs. Women would walk in there completely lost and leave feeling as though the world had suddenly become a better place. Men would walk in there and not even know what a "push-up" was and they'd return a few days later thanking us for helping them make their women feel so special. I literally felt like the wizard of Oz! It was the best feeling knowing, while locking up at 9 at night, that we've made a few people really happy that day.

I realised then, and even more so now that I'm a mother, just how many women are walking around with the wrong bra size, not knowing that they are and as a result are feeling uncomfortable with their bodies and the people around them.Whether we like it or not, our boobs are part of what makes us this special specie - a woman. And we need to treat "them" with care. Almost like we would the hair on our head. You wouldn't just get any products for your hair, don't get just any old bra to support your breasts either. 

So with the experience gained and now also being a mom and able to place myself in the same position as my clients back then, I'm hoping to once again make a few of my female readers very happy today.

Here are the facts no one bothers to tell us women:

- Statistically, a whopping 70% of women wear the incorrect bra size. Remember, your dress size does NOT determine your bra size.

- It's important to get yourself professionally measured at any lingerie store. That's the first step to better looking boobs. It's FREE and PAINLESS!

- Remember, a woman's body changes constantly, at least 6 times in a lifetime! Measurements should be done frequently.

- A woman should ideally be measured WITHOUT her bra on. This makes the measurements and bra size more accurate.

- The bra's band should be comfortable under your shoulder blades. If it rides up, the band is too big. 

- If your breasts spill out of the bra either on top, from the bottom or the sides, the cup size is too small.

- ALWAYS make sure your bra straps are adjusted properly. pressure on the shoulders and under the arms are an indication that your straps needs adjusting.

- Once the bra is on, lift both your arms in the air, bring them down and move your arms from side to side. Does the bra feel uncomfortable even after you've adjusted it properly? GET RID OF THE BRA!!

-Tip: Always make sure the newly purchased bra is on its most comfortable when tied on the widest band. With time, as it gets worn and washed, your bra will stretch. This enables your bra to last longer as you can then just adjust the band tighter every time!

- Speaking about washing your bra. HAND WASH ONLY!!! this prevents the under wire from bending and poking through the fabric (OUCH!) and it also ensures your bra looks and feels new for longer. Admit it, these things are pricey!!!


- For the bigger bust - good news!!! Playtex’s D to G collection can be found in almost any department store (Edgars, Foschini etc), Woolies' Distraction range goes up to 44E and Milady's has sizes up to 46E. Amazing,right!

Hope these little facts helped you FabMoms, even if, just a little!
For any further questions, I'll be at your disposal ;-) 

Goodluck perking up!
FabMom xx

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Chunky Junky

We're already well into February! Seriously, where is the time going?! Although us Cape Town folk are lucky to still be soaking up the sun, there is already a slight chill slowly creeping up on us. If you are anything like me, you've already started scavenging the shops for those fab items to keep you warm during the Autumn months ahead. My crush item this year is the over-sized sweater or funky chunkies as I like to call them. Not only are they good at keeping one nice and toasty, but if worn the right way, they can be super chic too! And not just for when you're lounging in front of the TV catching up to your favourite episode of Vampire Diaries, but for work also and just about any other occasion. If you're pulling up your nose right now in confusion, here's a few ideas that might just get you too, hooked on this trend.

Such a great combo! Here, the chunky and my other style crush, the maxi. It's just one of those styles that work so well for both work and play.

The Chunky and Shirt. A relaxed look great for work!

Get out of your comfort zone and pair your chunky with shorts and leggings or high boots. Otherwise, if you prefer playing it safe, just a pair of smart shorts and your chunky will do just fine!

Now that you know what my Must-have item of next season is, I hope you'll go out and find your own or better yet, I hope I've managed to convince you how gorgeous these funky chunkies really are and that you'll give them a go yourself!

Either way...Happy shopping!
Yours in Fashion
xoxo Fashion Butterfly

Monday, February 3, 2014

My tribute to Mandela - Remarkable father of our nation!

This morning, for the first time since his death, I really felt emotion and started to cry. I am the type of person who connects emotions to experience. This morning when I turned on the TV and heard late president Nelson Mandela's long time friend, George Bizos, speak about what a truly incredible man, friend and confidant Mandela was, emotion and experience finally collided inside me. I thought to myself WOW, where have I been all this time. Here was one of the best, not only politicians or leaders, but man, living right under my nose and I never took the time to really get to know his struggle, apart from the little they taught at school.

Like everyone my age, I was lucky to grow up in a free South Africa. By the time I realised what was going on around me, Apartheid was already banished. And as it is, until you have experienced something for yourself, you'll never understand nor appreciate the sweetness of its rewards. 

I do not like speaking politics, I just don't understand enough of it, but I believe this post Is so relevant. So many young mothers like myself don't understand the struggle our parents and our parents' parents had to go through to give us the "convenient" life we are afforded today. It makes my respect and love for them so much greater. There is a reason we can get up every morning and take our kids to school, go to work or have a lavish breakfast with our friends and not have to look over our shoulders every time, and that reason is Nelson Mandela. 

Thank you Tata for all you have done, including creating such a beautiful country! May your legacy live on in the hearts of our children and the generations to follow.

xoxo Fashion Butterfly

Friday, January 31, 2014

Water! The season's most popular drink!

Oh My Gosh!! What a scorcher!! Today must be the hottest day this season...and I love it! I love that I can jump into any loosely-fit old dress, I love that I can show off my red painted toes by wearing my favourite pair of sandals and I love that I can splash around in the baby pool with the kids. What I don't love, is drinking water! It's the least fun drink ever. I try...I do...I really really do, but then always end up adding some flavour (Oros). Gas drinks are great by the way, they taste good and quench the thirst. But that only lasts a little while before you have run back to kitchen for more and they're not very good for your health either. Sometimes I just end up not drinking any cold drinks for days, but then realise I'm not doing my body any favours.

As mothers, whether full-time or working, we need to take extra special care of our health, especially what goes into our bodies and water is essential. As a mother of 3 young tods and always on the go, it's important that I preserve my energy levels. So I started thinking about how I can do that with the least amount of effort and time and up my water intake altogether, did some searching (with my best friend google) and the answer was quite simple: Fruity flavoured water!!! These are SO easy to make, SO tasty, looks absolutely beautiful and best of all HEALTHY. I can already imagine myself lying beside the pool with my (cocktail-looking) health water, sharing giggles with friends (and my kids) while detoxing and gaining the strength I need to be the best mom to my busy bees, possible!

EASY PEASY: Add any of your fave fruit such as raspberries, lemon, strawberries, melon etc. along with cucumber and mint and lots of ice, leave overnight to infuse and 'Ola! You're sure to feel like someone on honeymoon in Hawaii in no time.

Drink Up!

xoxo fashion butterfly